Friday, February 20, 2009

The Temptress

"While Anada was begging in orderly succession, he came to the house of a prostitute named Maudenka who had a beautiful daughter named Pchiti. This young maiden was attracted by Anada's youthful and attractive person and pleaded earnestly with her mother to conjure the young monk by the magic spell "bramanyika." This the mother did and Anada coming under the spell of its magic became fascinated by the charm of the young maiden and entered the house and her room." (A Buddhist Bible, edited by Dwight Goddard).

This is from one of the most famous buddhist sutra's titled the Shurangama Sutra and according to Wikipedia, was translated in 705. In a religion accepting of all creatures, it demonstrates the deep-seeded mistrust of female sexuality. One of the main practices of Dharma in attaining enlightenment, as stipulated in these ancient texts, is to release yourself from all sensual pleasures. At such an early age, Buddhas were men, and a form of sensual pleasure was the woman. The temptress could comprimise the Mind of True Essence if a man was not strong enough. Consider at the origin of the religion is the tale of the Enlightened One, who abandoned his wife and children to begin his pilgrimage and subsequent transcendence.

Other religions have also laid the blame on women. Some Islamic scholars translate Koranic texts to justify the covering of women from head to foot so that they don't arouse and encourage debasement in men. And one need only read The Scarlet Letter to grasp Christianity's view on women and sexuality.

It might seem a bit anarchronistic to use such early texts to analyse modern religious practices. But what is religion except dogmatic tradition? Culture is not a far cry from this. I dare say that life has changed much. From prostitutes to rape victims, a women is often blamed for the pain her sexuality reaps. I do believe men are scared of the vagina. The placement of blame is a means of control. Considering the origins of philosophy, the course of history, the all pervasive patriarchial system that modern society is built on helps one to considered how intrinsic it is today and how to do away with it tomorrow.

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